APES 2014 :
Asia-Pacific EPR/ESR Symposium
International EPR (ESR) Society Symposium
SEST 2014
the 53th SEST Annual Meeting

Abstract Submission

A Book of Abstracts containing abstracts of all presentations will be distributed to all participants upon registration at the Conference desk.

Abstract Preparation Guidelines:

  1. Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format only.
  2. Title is in bold Times New Roman (14 point), with the initial letter capitalized.
  3. Authors start on a new line. Family name is placed after the first and middle name. Underline the name of the presenting author. [11 point, Times New Roman]
  4. Affiliations start on a new line and must include the authors’ institutions and mailing addresses. [11 point, Times New Roman, italics]
  5. E-mail address of the presenting author starts on a new line. [11 point, Times New Roman]
  6. Main text starts on a new line and single-spaced. Insert single blank-line spacing between paragraphs. [11 point, Times New Roman]
  7. References start on a new line. [11 point, Times New Roman]
  8. Insert single line-spacing below the title, authors, and affiliations, and E-mail. Each abstract should fit into a single page of A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), including main text, figures, tables, and references, with 2.5 cm margins at the top, left and right sides, and the bottom.
  9. PDF version of the abstract should be also sent for the case of formatting problems. The submission form is also required.
  10. Submitted abstracts are the final and not further modified. So please follow the above guidelines as closely as possible.
  11. Please download the APES-IES-SEST2014 abstract template (MS-Word file) and the submission form template (MS-Excel file) for the preparation.
    (*) submission form sample (MS-Excel file)

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  1. The abstract (both Word and PDF files) together with the submission form (Excel file) should be sent by e-mail as attached files to no later than May 30 for the oral presentation and July 31 for the poster presentation. The subject of e-mail should be “Abstract submission”. The names of attached files should be “FamilyName-Ab.doc”, “FamilyName-Ab.pdf” and “FamilyName-Form.xls”. Please change the “FamilyName” to your family name.
  2. Templates for the abstract (MS-Word file) and the submission form (MS-Excel file) can be obtained here. The abstract without the submission form cannot be accepted. The notification of acceptance is expected before early Sept., 2014.
  3. Please select the followings items in the submission form if you are interested to apply. Visit Awards for details.
    APES Poster Award (Student and PD’s, no membership is required. Deadline: July 31, 2014)
    IES Poster Award (Student and PD’s, no membership is required. Deadline: July 31, 2014)
    Following items are limited to SEST members.
    SEST Excellent Presentation Award (SEST member under 32 years old. Deadline: May 30, 2014)
    SEST Student Research Award (SEST student member. Deadline: July 31, 2014)
  4. The abstract book will include only those of which at least one of the authors has registered to the Conference. In principle one abstract for one registration. We cannot include your abstract in the abstract book if they arrive later than the deadline.