Research Center International Workshop
Electron Magnetic Resonance of Strongly Correlated Spin Systems
November 8-9, 2009,
Takigawa Memorial Hall, Kobe University
Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Kobe University
The Society of Electron Spin Science and Technology (SEST)
The Physical Society of Japan
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Novel States of
Matter Induced by Frustration''
Hitoshi Ohta (Kobe Univ.)
Local Committee
Eiji Ohmichi (Kobe Univ., Secretary)
Susumu Okubo (Kobe Univ.)
Takahiro Sakurai (Kobe Univ.)
Keisuke Tominaga (Kobe Univ.)
Advisory Committee
Sergey Demishev (Moscow, Russia)
Masayuki Hagiwara (Osaka Univ.)
Hikaru Kawamura (Osaka Univ.)
Toshikazu Nakamura (IMS)
Hiroyuki Nojiri (Tohoku Univ.)
Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, Univ. Tokyo)
Czeslaw Rudowicz (Szczecin, Poland)
Toru Sakai (SPring8)
Sergei Zvyagin (Dresden, Germany)
This international workshop covers the recent advances in electron
magnetic resonance (EMR) and its application to the strongly correlated
spin systems with the special emphases on the high frequency high field
EMR of quantum spin systems
EMR of frustrated spin systems
EMR of spin gap systems
EMR of molecular magnets
EMR theory
EMR experimental systems
Invited speakers from overseas
Olivier Cepas (Grenoble, France)
"ESR, forbidden
transitions, and high-temperature
linewidth of correlated spin systems"
Sergey Demishev (Moscow, Russia)
"Magnetic resonance in strongly
correlated metals: new
approaches and recent results"
Oliver Portugall (Toulouse, France)
"EMR in pulsed magnetic fields -limits and opportunities"
Graham Smith (St. Andrews, UK)
"Can pulsed EPR be used to study
strongly correlated spin
Johan van Tol (NHMFL, USA)
"Pulsed EPR at High Fields in
concentrated spin systems"
Sergei Zvyagin (Dresden, Germany)
"Competing NN and NNN Interactions in
Quantum Spin Chains
Probed by ESR"
Czeslaw Rudowicz (Szczecin, Poland)
"Implications of truncated forms of
zero-field splitting
Hamiltonians used in magnetism and electron magnetic resonance studies
of strongly correlated spin systems"
Invited speakers (domestic)
Masayuki Hagiwara (Osaka Univ.)
"High-field multi-frequency ESR studies
on quantum and
geometrically frustrated spin systems"
Toshikazu Nakamura (IMS)
"Competed Electronic Phases in (TMTTF)2X
Hiroyuki Nojiri (Tohoku Univ.)
"Gapped and Gapless modes in 3D coupled dimmer systems"
Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP)
"ESR in Heisenberg antiferromagnetic
chains andthe O(3)
nonlinear sigma model"
Toru Sakai (SPring8)
"Selection Rules for ESR Direct
Transition of the Spin Gap
and Their Applications"
Hitoshi Ohta (Kobe Univ.)
"Development of Multi-Extreme
High-Frequency EMR
Measurement System in Kobe "
Susumu Okubo (Kobe Univ.)
"Multi-frequency EMR measurements of highly frustrated spin systems:Kagome antiferromagnets and related systems"
Abstract Deadline
Deadline is extended to Sept. 11,
File (MS-Word, 144KB)
Program (uploaded on 24th Sept.)
File (pdf format, 48 KB)
Prof. Eiji Ohmichi
Faculty of Science, Kobe University
1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
E-mail: ![EMRSCS-address](images/address-emrscs.gif)