The Society of Electron Spin
Science and Technology (SEST)
Hitoshi Ohta (Kobe Univ.)
Local Committee
Susumu Okubo (Kobe Univ.,
Eiji Ohmichi (Kobe Univ.)
Takahiro Sakurai (Kobe Univ.)
Keisuke Tominaga (Kobe Univ.)
Advisory Committee
Toshiaki Arata (Osaka)
Sergey Demishev (Moscow, Russia)
Kazuhiro Ichikawa (Fukuoka)
Osamu Inanami (Sapporo)
Yasuhiro Kobori (Shizuoka)
Toshikazu Nakamura (Okazaki)
Czeslaw Rudowicz (Szczecin, Poland)
Kev Salikhov (Kazan, Russia)
Kenichi Yamada (Fukuoka)
The aim of the workshop is to
combine scientists developing advanced ESR techniques
and scientists studying biological systems by ESR, and
to open up new frontiers in biofunctional spin science
and technology.
In vivo ESR
Structure and Dynamics of Proteins
Synthesis and application of spin trapping / probe
Development of high frequency ESR and its applications
(includes dynamical nuclear polarization)
Development of multi-resonance pulse ESR, time-resolved
ESR, and its applications
Development of ESR imaging and its applications
ESR theory
(We will have poster presentations and presentations by
young scientists are welcome.)
Invited speakers from overseas
Sergey V. Demishev* (General
Physics Institute of RAS, Russia)
Hong-In Lee* (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
James R. Norris Jr.* (University of Chicago, USA)
Czeslaw Rudowicz* (West Pomeranian University of
Technology, Poland)
Kev Salikhov* (Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of
RAS, Russia)
Sergei Zvyagin* (Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory,
HZDR, Germany)
* confirmed
Invited speakers (domestic)
Toshiaki Arata (Osaka)
Toshimichi Fujiwara (Osaka)
Aki Hirayama (Tsukuba)
Hiroshi Hori (Osaka)
Kazuhiro Ichikawa (Fukuoka)
Osamu Inanami (Sapporo)
Yasuhiro Kobori (Shizuoka)
Yukio Nagasaki (Tsukuba)
Toshikazu Nakamura (Okazaki)
Eiji Ohmichi (Kobe)
Kenichi Yamada (Fukuoka)
Please submit the abstract to
template (Word, 145kb)
Aug. 31, 2011 Abstract deadline for
invited speakers
Oct. 10, 2011 Abstract deadline for
poster presentations
No registration fee is required
Please submit the registration form to
form (Excel, 23kb)
Aug. 31, 2011 Registration deadline
for invited speakers
Oct. 10, 2011 Registration deadline
for poster presentations
Nov. 01, 2011 Registration deadline
for other participants and accompanying persons
Banquet will be held in the evening
of Nov. 13.
Aug. 31, 2011
Abstract and registration deadline for invited speakers
Oct. 10, 2011 Abstract and
registration deadline for poster presentations
Nov. 01, 2011 Registration deadline
for other participants and accompanying persons
11/13 09:30
10:10 Plenary lecture
18:10 Banquet
11/14 09:00 Session start
16:00 Closing
(pdf, 47Kb)
Dr. Susumu Okubo
Molecular Photoscience Research Center, Kobe
1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
E-mail : 
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